
B&W Tek

Raman and Spectroscopy solutions

m-oem announced new identification capabilities with its Discover-It-Yourself (DIY) product line at the 2024 SPIE BiOS and Photonics West tradeshows. The DIY platform pairs high-sensitivity B&W Tek component spectrometers and fiber-optic sampling probes with narrow linewidth lasers from Innovative Photonic Solutions (IPS). Explore new Raman applications and novel analysis methods with this customized system.

Digital Fiber Laser (Availability TBA)


Innovative Photonic Solution introduces a new high-power narrow-linewidth single-spatial-mode laser source ideally suited for 2D Scanning Raman Microscopy.  This new product is based on IPS’s proprietary wavelength-stabilized laser design and features high output power with narrow spectral bandwidth.  The laser’s stabilized peak wavelength remains “locked” regardless of case temperature (15 to 25 ºC). Devices offer side-mode suppression ratios (SMSRs) better than 40 dB, thereby providing extremely high signal to noise ratio. The laser is integrated with high performance laser drive and temperature control electronics and integrated into a fully turn-key system with all safety features. 

As we always look for Solutions we do have alternative systems for Raman, both Handheld and Modular systems, please contact us with your applications and requests.

You can contact Metrohm for other B&W Tek products.